Very Affordable Hotels in Boracay

Your vacation does not need to be expensive! When you want to go on vacation and relax, you first think of beaches and being under the sun – a tropical paradise. Synonymous to the word “tropical” is the Philippines, where it is always summer. But everyone doesn’t just want to be under any sun and to frolic on any beach – they want the best. The best beach in the Philippines? There is a single answer for tourists and Filipino residents, Boracay! Find the best deals here at Xplor ! The white sands and the now-clear blue seas are the best-known in all of the country. However, as always, the best comes at a cost, and when it comes to Boracay, that means the priciest hotels around. But no need to fret as we bring you the cheapest accommodations in Boracay! Boracay Backpackers Famous among foreign backpackers, as the hotel’s name suggests, this hotel is a small place, but a very comfortable and clean accommodation. The hotel is a homey environment, and so, offers a re...